
Monday 12 August 2019

Shave and a Haircut, Two Bites story By Dylan James - DeviantArt

"......"Blonde.  I like blonde-haired boys,"
the barber said, almost as if talking to himself.
" You won't have to worry about your girl
 hassling you because you are late!"
"W-What do you think you're doing?" he demanded angrily.
 A sharp pain at the injection site
and a growing feeling of disorientation made it impossible to get up.
  For extra insurance,
Tony locked his right arm around his neck and restrained him in the chair. 
"Just relax.  Don't fight it, buddy boy,"
he said in a strange voice as he reached under the cape
 with his left hand and stroked Alex's chest through his university tee shirt.
"D-Don't touch me like that, you fag,"
 Alex said, but without determination
as the injection progressively overcame him despite his efforts to resist it.
He unfastened the unconscious youth's belt and pants
 and worked them down his legs and over his feet.
  With a series of jerks, he tugged the tee shirt up
 and over his limp arms and then over his head. 
"Very nice,"
he observed as he stepped back to admire Alex's muscular body. 
Tony inserted his index finger
 underneath the elastic of his customer's briefs
 and pulled them forward a few inches,
 releasing them abruptly so that they popped against his abdomen. 
"You won't be needing those anymore,"
 he said to the uncomprehending young man
 who was now completely under the control of the powerful sedative......"

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