
Saturday 16 November 2019

UNSCHEDULED PRACTICE (M/MMM) - Pt 7 (Final) Now Uploaded by DeletedUser3263 - TUGStories

".....“Where’s your friend? The one with the big dick?”

“Don’t suppose those baseball players’ll mind a borrow,” the Janitor mused. “Baseball boys are hot. But I’ve always been partial to swimmers myself.”
..... “Sorry,” the Janitor tossed his way. “Forgot you’re a Pussy Boy!” He smirked and slammed the doors shut. He quickly moved around to the front of the van. Jared felt the weight of the vehicle dip and settle. Then he heard the driver’s door slam and the engine turn over. The radio blasted hip hop. “Fuck that shit!” the Janitor bristled, and popped a worn cassette tape into a slot. Music blared. “Ode To Joy.” He relit the remnants of a stubby cigarette dug from behind his ear, took a satisfying deep drag, and lurched the van forward, guiding the vehicle past a sign that reminded: Campus Pool. The kidnapper took a few extra turns on his trek — just to hear the laundry cart careen and pinball in the back. Every now and then, a particularly hard slam of the cart against the metal walls was followed by a desperate muffled yelp. “Hey, hey hey,” the Janitor bellowed to the back, “you scratch that interior, I take it out of your hide.”....."

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