
Monday 16 December 2019

Boy Hunt - Author: Solivagus - BDSM Library

".....It seems one of his rich clients, an eccentric type he knew only as Mr.
Black, had a big party every year that featured some unusual entertainment. 
He and 11 of his best friends got together and had a hunting expedition on
his sprawling 10 acre estate.  But it was a most unusual kind of hunt.  The
prey was human.

"Whoa dude!"  I said to Reg.  "You mean they shoot people?"
"Yes and no," he answered.  "They shoot people with knock-out darts.  And
after a person is 'downed' they stamp them with a symbol that identifies the
hunter so they get credit for the 'kill'".

"Weird," I said, "and kind of cool.  So they are looking for people to be
hunted I take it?"

"That's the idea," he replied.
"So how much does it pay?"  I asked.
 The finish line!  I could see it!  About 200 yards through
an open field I could see a large tent pitched and some people milling
around - it had to be the goal.  I was very close.  Just a sprint away from
$1000 in cash!
Chuckling to myself, I stepped out from behind the tree.  Then I heard the
"Where do you think you're going, boy?"  It was the red-haired hunter!  I
had gotten careless at just the wrong moment.
I turned around slowly and saw the muzzle of his dart rifle pointed in my
  Now he laughed to himself.
Then I felt him grab the back of my tank top, and rip it completely off!

"What?" I managed to say.
"Oh I'm just dressing my 'Kill'" he said.  "Or perhaps I should say
undressing it."  He laughed again.
Then I felt his big rough hand grab the back of my shorts and they were
ripped off as well.  I was really afraid now, and embarrassed.  And
wondering where all of this was leading.
He then took off my compass and I could see he was stuffing everything into
a bag.  He stood up and I knew he was looking down at me.
"Well let me get a good look at you," he said.  "Looks good from this side."
He put the toe of one of his boots under my chest and lifted his foot to
roll me over.  He looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my crotch.

"You've got a nice cock, boy," he said as he leered....."

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