
Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Moshpit Mayhem IV: Midnight Mayhem By Adric1999 - GlobalFight

".....The roadies look for well-built, good-looking teens in the moshpit at shows, and then lure them into their specially-equipped torture trailer for gutpunching contests and other physical abuse. In part one, hunky Scott and his younger brother Tommy were abducted by the roadies and underwent beatings and whippings.
 In Part II, Tommy enlistrf two friends and the four teens tried to get revenge on the roadies, but their plan backfired
and in Part 3, they were once again at the mercy of the sadistic roadies" cruel torture games.
 At the end of Part 3, a knock on the trailer announced the arrival of the police and possible rescue. Will the tables be turned?
 ----Please read Parts I to III before continuing.

Moshpit Mayhem (a gutpunching story)

Moshpit Mayhem II - Revenge

Moshpit Mayhem III: Roadies Revenge

A few seconds later, the door to the trailer flew open and Ben stuck out his head. "Who are you?" he asked. "You don't look like the cops."
Quinn held up his badge angrily. "You're in big trouble, mister," he said. "Suspicion of kidnapping, assault, god knows what else. I'm looking for three boys and I want them out here now!"
Ben squinted at Quinn's badge. "Well, first, you're out of uniform. Secondly, you're out of your jurisdiction - you're not a cop in this town, you're just another asshole with a bad haircut," he laughed. "But if you want to come inside, come in."
Quinn and Derek stepped up into the trailer. In the dim light and dank heat, it looked like some medieval torture chamber out of an old horror movie. Manacles hung from the walls. Ripped and discarded clothing was all over the floor. The heavily muscled Ben, Gus, and Ted, all bare-chested, were smeared with sweat, pumped with testosterone and adrenaline, standing with clenched fists. Tommy, Steve, and Scott were slumped on the floor, shirtless, covered with sweat and bruises, locked into the cage at the rear wall of the trailer.
"What the fuck!" shouted Quinn. "Are you guys all right?"
When Quinn finally regained full consciousness and his head stopped swimming, he found himself spreadeagled to the wall of the trailer. Pain wracked every part of his hard, naked body. His skull felt like it was about to explode from the concussion that had kept him in a daze, floating in and out of consciousness. Quinn knew he had taken a beating but had no memory of the punishment being inflicted on him. Apparently the roadies had worked him over relentlessly for hours while he was semi-conscious.
Then Quinn realized his thighs were coated with a sticky residue and when he looked straight down, he saw puddles of cum on the floor. Later, he learned that the roadies had taken turns and juiced him a total of six times over the course of his beating, the last forced orgasm inducing screams of agony.

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