
Sunday 22 December 2019

The Captain and the Corporal (Complete) – by Ragnar - Aquadude2001.wordpress

".....“Take him!” the officer shouted as soon as Capt Hardman was stripped completely naked.
 McGann had no time to react as three guards surrounded him,
yanked him up off the floor where he knelt in front of his CO’s naked body,
 pulled him to a heavy oak chair, thrust him into it, and began to rope his body.
 McGann’s wrists were pulled roughly behind him, crossed, and tied together;
 his ankles and calves were roped tightly to the chair’s front legs.
In seconds the guards had him bound inescapably, naked....."
Then the officer walked over to McGann, roped and helpless.
 With a sadistic grin, he reached down and grabbed the 19-year-old’s cock and balls.
 McGann gasped in fear at having his manhood grabbed as the officer pulled the package away from the Corporal’s body and slipped a padlock around the base,
 snapping it shut. The ring of the lock squeezed tightly.
“That is to keep you aroused during your ordeal,”
 he sneered as a guard stepped up, took the end of the rope binding McGann’s wrists,
 and wrapped it under the chair and up around the front.
 He tied the end of the rope to the young Marine’s cock lock;
McGann now could not move his arms without pulling on his cock painfully....."

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