
Sunday 22 December 2019

The Ninja By Hooder - Telemachus12

"......As far as the would-be burglar knew, the house was simply what it appeared to be:
 a large country house; he was almost certainly not aware that it housed several well-equipped dungeons,
 and was home to some twenty boys who were kept in a permanent state of crazed sexual horniness by the sadistic,
 rubber-clad James and his minions – all under the orders and direct supervision of Master Jeff himself
“Wh- what are you going to do to me?”

“Relax. Nossing zat vill hurt you. Ve are going to play vith your cock.”
 James’ German accent was particularly thick tonight.

“But I’m straight!”
“Yes I know you’re straight. But vonce ve’ve got zis hood on you,
 and ze only zing you can see is black leather pressing tightly across your eyes,
 you vill very soon forget that you’re straight. Believe me.”

The naked boy was being strapped down to a padded table in a room full of equipment from his worst nightmares....."

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