
Tuesday 26 November 2019

University Divers Take a Dive [homophobic college boys] Author: JohnyBoy - AGaySex

"....."Hey, guys, I need a couple of you to help me move some stuff. Not all of
you..just two or three of you." "Who are you?
"That kids a twink, you can't handle
him?" Hank reached out, and yanked (note that Hank rhymes with yank), the
slightly twinky diver's swimsuit to halfway down his legs, exposing a cute,
little white set of youthful buns. "Yo, what are you doing? Hey don't look at my
dick!" The youth, with one hand covered his pouch
Curly had the tall, Speedo and cap clad athletic youth, with his back turned
against his fat belly. Curly's right arm had a stranglehold on the young man's
throat, and ignoring his gasping and struggling, Curly kept his other hand busy.
The size of Curly's stomach meant that his young opponent had to arch his own
back in an arch, with his head far back, and his pelvis thrust far foreword. In
his swimsuit the resulting position was just too tempting a target for the big
fat Curly's left hand. One hand for choking the other hand for rubbing the young
diver's barely covered pouch. Although it was a fight, between gasps for air,
the youth was actually moaning!

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