
Monday 2 December 2019

The Interrogation by Eddie [Tickling] - RopeJock


".....The sound of the door opening woke him abruptly. There were men rushing towards him. They hauled him off the cot, pulled the hood over his head again and frog-marched him out of the cell.
More corridors, and then he was marched through a door into another room. Still hooded, he was roughly stripped naked, lifted onto a padded table, and strapped down spread-eagled. The surface of the table felt cool and smooth, and the straps over his wrists and ankles were thick leather.
"Please, don't hurt me," he said in a small voice. What were they going to do to him? And who were they anyway? Where was he?
Mark was afraid - he had no idea what these people were going to do to him. Also, he was pretty sure this guy called Steve was gay - the sexy way he dressed, the intense way those brown eyes had looked at him, and there had been something in the way Steve had touched him on the thigh. His reactions to this disturbed him - on the one hand Mark himself was totally straight and, although he had never admitted it to himself, slightly homophobic. He didn't know any gay guys, but felt an instinctive hostility to gays. The thought of being strapped down and helpless to stop a homosexual doing whatever he wanted to him sent unpleasant shivers down his spine. At the same time, however - and probably because he was so very horny at the moment - the bondage, the leather, and the very fact that he WAS so helpless and vulnerable at the hands of these masked boys were all actually turning him on. The sudden realisation hit him that he WAS unbelievably horny.
"There are a couple of things you should know before we begin, Mark - first, that all three of us are gay, and second that we enjoy what we do - especially when we're working on a cute, hunky boy like you." As he spoke, Steve snapped on a pair of tight, thin, black rubber gloves.
"Now Mark,"
 Steve's voice was slightly muffled in Mark's ears, but he could still hear him Ok. "I want you to think carefully about your present position. You are straight. You're a heterosexual young man - girls turn you on, not boys. We three, on the other hand, are gay. We're ho-mo-sexual." He said the word with relish. "And we've got you horny, and helpless. Not only are we gay, but we're the very worst kind of gays - we're kinky, and we're sadists. We love to make boys suffer - we especially love working on good-looking, blond, straight boys like you."
There was a pause, then Steve added,
 "you've got a beautiful cock....."

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